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How can I use the correct manual

At the moment there are 3 manuals available:

  • Principal Toolbox 9.5 EN
  • Principal Toolbox 9.5 NL
  • Fortes Change Cloud EN

Only of these manuals can be accessed from within the Application using the Help section.

Below you find an instruction to change these settings..

Navigate to Setup>Settings and click the pencil icon to change the settings. Under Help URL, select the option Custom Value, and replace the text with the following value:

For Principal Toolbox use: https://help.principaltoolbox.com/NL.

For Principal Toolbox use : https://help.principaltoolbox.com/EN

For Fortes Change Cloud use: https://help.fortes-online.com/EN

Click OK to save the custom setting. The button Help>Manual now refers selected manual. 

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