You may have already noticed; some functionalities do not have help articles on this website. We have made a conscious choice not to explain these functionalities in detail, because there is already documentation on this. This documentation can be found under the question mark on the homepage of Fortes Change Cloud or in Zendesk.
This article answers the following questions:
- Why don’t I see help articles about some functionalities?
- What is the difference between Principal Toolbox and Fortes Change Cloud?
Why don’t I see help articles about some functionalities?
Some functionalities do not have help articles. This is the case for Prinicpal Toolbox functionalities. It is a conscious decision not to do this, because these functionalities have already been documented. This documentation can be found by clicking on Manual under the question mark on the homepage of Fortes Change Cloud or in Zendesk. In addition, the intention is that the Principal Toolbox functionalities will eventually be replaced by Fortes Change Cloud functionalities. When this happens, help articles will be written about it.
What is the difference between Principal Toolbox and Fortes Change Cloud?
The Principal Toolbox is the software that Fortes has developed for portfolio and project management. Over time, the Principal Toolbox software has been expanded and has received more and more functionalities. At some point we decided it was time for renewal; the functionalities had to remain, but the way in which we could work with our software had to be more intuitive. And so Fortes Change Cloud was born. This platform offers the functionality of Principal Toolbox, but with a new twist. However, Fortes Change Cloud is still under development. That is why sometimes Principal Toolbox functionalities are visible, and sometimes Fortes Change Cloud.