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  5. Inherit rights from organizational unit to projects, and folders
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  4. Inherit rights from organizational unit to projects, and folders

Inherit rights from organizational unit to projects, and folders

This breaks down into two points:

  1. The inheritance of rights now works uniformly across the Fortes Change Cloud as follows:
    For folders, projects and portfolios for which no specific authorization has been set, ALL members of the organizational unit have access according to the authorization set on the organizational unit (manager, reader, members).
  2. The inheritance of manager privileges from an organizational unit while authorizations are set on the project or folder:
    Provided that the setting below is set to ‘Yes’, the following applies: for all underlying folders and projects, ALL managers of the organizational unit or folder have manager access.

    This inheritance of rights is only active when the setting “Allow managers and support on folders to modify underlying projects, programs and folders” is set to “Yes”. This setting can be found under the “Configuration” in the “Fortes Change Cloud” menu.

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