To use Approval Workflows, the Canvas of a Portfolio item or Project must include the ‘Approval Segment’. This is explained in the article Configuring Approval Workflows.
Once this is done, then you as a user can start an Approval workflow by pressing ‘+ ADD’ at this segment.
At that point, a pop-up will appear where the approval request can be created:
Important to fill in:
- Title: clear title that still says something even if multiple Approval Workflows have been started.
- Category: choose which type of Approval workflow you want to start
- Depending on the workflow started, specific people may need to be linked. In this example, these are the members of the Steering Committee.
- Attachment: here one or more documents can be linked to the workflow.
- Message to owners of standard tasks: here you can put some more background information.
Clicking ‘Add’ will start the workflow. Based on the order configured in the workflow, individuals receive an email with a link to the started workflow.
To track the status, you can click the Approval workflow on the canvas of the Portfolio item or Project. A pop-up will then open with all the information about the status of this workflow.
The following operations can also be performed from this status screen:
The workflow requester and the Workflow Group Coordinator can abort the workflow if desired. After that, it can be archived if necessary.
If an employee who has to give Advice or Approve is (temporarily) unable to do so, pressing ‘Modify’ can pass the request on to this person’s replacement.