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  4. How can I add a backup approver for timesheets?

How can I add a backup approver for timesheets?

When an approver enters his own hours, a backup approver is asked to approve the hours of the approver. The backup approver can be set via the Time registration configuration:

  1. Go to the settings menu via Start and select Configuration.

  2. In the Options column, under the heading Time Entry, choose Time Entry Configurations.

  3. Choose the configuration that you want to adjust.
  4. Under the Approval heading, check the Enable backup approvers checkbox.

  5. Next, set the backup approver. To do this, go to the relevant resource pool via Start. Then click on Resource Management Configuration under the Resource Management tab.

  6. Select the desired configuration here, set the number of minimum hours and choose an approver.
  7. Set the backup approver under Timesheets of approvers are approved by: and click OK to implement the changes.

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