The Capacity Planning of the Fortes Change Cloud is a handy tool for creating a schedule. This article explains the various components of capacity planning. Read more about the use of capacity planning at How do I use capacity planning?
Each bar is a planned item, milestone or skill. The start (left) of the bar indicates the start date of the items and the end (right) indicates the end date. The length of the bar therefore gives an indication of the planned duration of an item. Items are often gray, while sub-items have a different color. Planned skills are often green.
A dependency is an arrow from a planned portfolio item to another planned portfolio item. A dependency is used when an item cannot be started until another item has ended. If the dependency is red, the second item starts before the first one ends; this can cause planning problems. A black dependency is a dependency where the second item only starts after the first item ends.
The amount of planned skills for one item
When a skill is scheduled for an item, it is automatically scheduled for 1fte. This can be seen from the number in the bar of the planned skill. Do you want to schedule more or less of the skill? Adjust the number in the bar to the amount of fte you want to schedule!
The amount of available skills
In the skills overview you can see which skills are available in the current portfolio. How many of these skills are available, and when they are available, can be seen on the bar next to the skill. The number of available fte is indicated here on a timeline. When more or less of the skill is available, for example when someone is on vacation, this is also visible here.
Required and available skills
In addition to the amount of available skills, the amount of scheduled skills can also be found in the skills overview. This is a green bar inside or over the bar that indicates the availability of the skill. This makes it easy to see how the planned capacity compares to the available capacity. Is there a red bar over the availability bar of a skill? Then more of this skill is planned in this period than is available.