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  5. New version of PowerBI dashboard in the Fortes Change Cloud

New version of PowerBI dashboard in the Fortes Change Cloud

Power BI is a powerful data analysis and visualization tool that can be used to visualize portfolio performance and risk. It can help create portfolio reporting dashboards that can be shared with your team, management or customers.

That’s why we are adding Power BI to various places in the Fortes Change Cloud. It was already available in our Insights app. Power BI is now also added to each portfolio and enterprise portfolios.

A new tab has been added in the portfolio and enterprise portolio:

The dashboard tab loads with a standard PowerBI report. This report has multiple tabs. These can be chosen at the bottom of the report.

At the top of the report are a number of buttons.

Refresh data

Clicking ‘Refresh Now’ refreshes the data in the report. In front of the button is when the report was last refreshed. Thus, refreshing the data is not automatic.

Edit the report

‘Edit’ opens the editing mode of PowerBI embedded. In this mode, the report can be customized to your own specific situation.

In edit mode, you have the option to save changes or undo changes.

Setting data fields in the report

In this new version of PowerBI, you can customize the dataset according to your needs. Likewise, self-created fields can be added to the dataset. Fields can be set for each object type.

For example, if you click on ‘Portfolio,’ the fields for Portfolios can be added or deleted. The left side of the dialog shows all available fields of the portfolio that have not yet been added in the report. On the right side are the fields already present in the report.

If you have selected fields on the left side, you can click on the ‘Add to report fields’ button. The fields are then moved to the right.

Removing fields from the report can be done by selecting fields on the right side and clicking the ‘Remove from report fields’ button.

Clicking the ‘Set Data Fields’ button at the bottom will actually make the changes.

Using the print button, the report can be printed out.

Full-screen mode

Using this button, the report is displayed full-screen.

Below the menu button are two more options. ‘Odata link and authentication’ is further explained in the next chapter. The ‘Reset Dashboard Report to Default’ function restores the report to the default report. Any changes you have made to the report yourself will be lost.

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