Configuration – exporting
- 1. Define an export task
- 2. Select the desired data, destination and format, etc.
- 3. Execute the task
- 4. If necessary, check the job log
Configuration – data import
- 1.Define an import task
- 2.Create the import file
- 3.Select the file to import
- 4.Configure the Field Mapping
- 5.Execute the import task
- 6.If necessary, check the job log
Configuration – exporting , step 1: define an export task
- Go to Import/Export
- In the section Export tasks, click “+” to create a new task
- In the pop-up, fill in the required information and Save
- Name, Description and Owner
- Data Type
- Destination Type (File on server or File in Document List)
- Destination (eg C:\Documents\Projects_PTB.CSV)
- Export Format (CSV or XML)
Configuration – exporting , step 2: select the data to be exported
- Go to the tab Filter
- Under View, select columns and (if applicable) a filter
- The screen shows the result: the data that will be exported
- When u are finished, click on Close
Configuration – exporting , step 3: execute the export task
- Go to the tab General, click on Execute Now, or:
- in the section Export Tasks, select the line of the task that you want to execute, and click on ExecuteNow
Configuration – exporting , step 4: check the job log
- In Import/Export, go to the tab Log, or:Open the export task and go to the tab Log
Note: large tasks may take some time; if the task is not listed in the log, check again after a few minutes.
Configuration – data import, step 1: define an import task
- Go to import/export
- In the section Import Tasks, click “+” to create a new task
- In the pop-up, fill in the required information
- Name, Description and Owner
- Data Type
- Import Format (CSV or XML)
- Source Type (File on server or File in Document List)
- Source (eg. PTB_Actual_Costs.csv) This must be equal to the import file name!
Configuration – data import, step 2: create an import file
- Create the import file in Excel. Comply to requirements (slide 5)
- Save the Excel file as ‘Excel Workbook’. Later adjustments can be done here.
- Open the Excel file and save it as a CSV (MS-DOS) file*.
- Do a visual check for inconsistencies by opening the CSV file in Notepad. Update the Excel file if necessary.
- Upload the CSV file in the import task.
- Importing data, note on importing special characters
- In the Save As dialog, click on Tools, click on Web options. In the pop-up go to Tab Encoding, select Unicode (UTF-8). Click on Save.
- Note: Use Notepad++ to check if the UTF-coding is indeed applied; if not, go to tab Coding, click on ‘convert to UTF8’, click Save
Configuration – data import, step 3: select the import file
- Option 1: File on Server
- Make certain that the file is available
- The file must be accessible by Fortes Change Cloud
- (on-premise: à windows user where the Tomcat server is started with)
- Option 2: File on Document List
- Go to the tab Document List Click on “+”, select the file, and click OK
Configuration – data import, step 4 configure field mapping & set import condition
- Specify the ‘type of import’ and the (unique) reference
- Depending on the data type of the import task, different types of import are available , e.g.
- For entries: always create a new entry/ if the entry already exists, first create contra entry, then create new entry/ if an entry already exists, then skip
- For portfolio-items: always create a new item/ create a new item if there is no match to an existing one/ if there is no match, do not create a new item
Importing data, step 4: configure field mapping: new entries
- Select the Source Field column, the column names from the import file
- Fields marked with a * are mandatory
- –> à choose a fixed value if it is not present in the file, such Owner
- Reference* refers to the unique match needed to import data correctly.
- Source field holds the unique feature for each imported data row in the import file (ussually provided by the application where the data originates form)
- Matching Reference object type refers to the object type (project, product, entry, etc.) to which the unique matching Reference Field belongs.
- Matching Reference Field is the PTB field that corresponds to the Source Field. Unique values are required, the use of the field ‘ID’ is considered best practice.
- Required Match: exact match between Source and Reference Field is needed for the import of a specific row to proceed.
- Data will be imported based on the reference
- Example: adding actuals as entries on plan-items
- Projects have a project code (custom field Project Code)
- The (relevant) plan-items have a cost center (custom field Cost Center)
- The project code and cost center are included in the file to import
- To update existing entries a unique reference is necessary
- If an entry does not exist yet, a new entry is added
- When an entry already exists,
- a contra entry will be made (existing value)
- a new entry will be made (value in import file)
- Additional setting: the required reference
- Example: updating actuals on plan-items
- Projects have a project code (custom field Project Code)
- The (relevant) plan-items have a cost center (custom field Cost Center)
- The project code and cost center are included in the file to import
- Entries have a unique reference (custom field Booking Number)
- Don’t forget to import the reference field in theFieldMapping!
Configuration – data import, step 5: execute the import task
- Go to the tab General, click on Execute Now, or:
- in the section Import Tasks, select the line of the task that you want to execute, and click on Execute Now
Configuration – data import, step 6: check the job log
- In Import/Export, go to the tab Log, or: open the import task and go to the tab Log
- Note: large tasks may take some time; if the task is not listed in the log, check again after a few minutes.
Example 1: Importing new portfolio-items
- In the tab Field Mapping, select “Imported Portfolio Items will always be created as a new Portfolio Item”
- Specify the parent match for importing into the right portfolio
- Specify the field mapping for importing the available date in the import file
Example 2: Importing actual costs on Projects
- Choose data type: Entry
- Set Import condition
- Always create new enties
- Update existing entries (contra entries)
- Existing entries will be skipped
- Set field mapping. Mandatory fields:
- Reference (ensures the entry is linked to the correct PTB object)
- Timeline Unit (f.e. Money or Hours)
- Type (Actual, Budget, Committed, etc.)
- The import can be rolled back by removing the logging.