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  4. How do I add and remove perspectives in the Strategy app?

How do I add and remove perspectives in the Strategy app?

In the Strategy app you can add or archive your own perspectives.

Add a new perspective

  1. Go to the Strategy app and open the desired Strategy.
  2. Click on + ADD PERSPECTIVE under the existing perspectives.

  3. Enter the name of the new perspective and click on Add.

Archive an existing perspective

  1. When you want to archive a perspective, hover over the name.
  2. Then a dropdown menu with Archive perspective will appear.
  1. When a perspective is archived, all objectives from the archived perspective are also placed in the archive.
  2. Do you want to restore your perspective? Then click on Archived perspectives in the menu at the top right. Check your perspective and click on Restore. In this case, only the perspective is restored, but not the associated objectives.
  1. Do you want to restore your objectives? Then click on Archived objectives in the menu at the top right. Check your objectives and click on Restore.
  1. When the perspective already exists, only the objectives are restored. Do the objectives belong to an archived perspective? Then you will be given the option to restore both at the same time. Then click Restore perspective and objective.

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