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  5. History of changes visible in program and program item
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  5. History of changes visible in program and program item

History of changes visible in program and program item

On the reporting tab in the Agile program, the menu option ‘Open history’ has been added.

The history dialog displays the changes of all program items in the program. Each change is shown as a line. Per change, it records:

  • Type: the following types are distinguished: addition, modification, archiving
  • Last modified by: user who made the change
  • Last modified at: date and time
  • Name: name of the item
  • Field: field that has been modified
  • New value: the value in which it was changed

The history can be exported to Excel using the download icon at the top right of the dialog.

On the detail page of a program item, the menu option ‘Open history’ has also been added.

The same dialog opens. However, only the change history of the respective program item is then displayed.

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