When you start a new Portfolio, it is created based on a Portfolio model. The new Portfolio thus acquires the properties defined in the Portfolio Model. Even if adjustments are later made in a Portfolio Model, these adjustments are passed on to all Portfolios created with that Portfolio Model.
Portfolio models have always been available for the so called Classic mode (the PTB look and feel). Now it is also possible to configure the Portfolio model for Portfolios using Standard mode (the newer FCC look and feel)
Where to find the Portfolio Models.
Usually the Portfolio Models are located in the “Models” tab. This tab is located at the highest level of the structure (Organizational Units) in FCC.

Sample Portfolio Models folder.
Who can modify the Portfolio Model
The FCC Administrator and the Manager/Supervisor of the Organizational Unit in which the Portfolio Model resides may make adjustments to the Portfolio Model.
Convert existing Portfolio Models to Standard Mode
Once you have opened the old Portfolio Model, an existing Portfolio Model can be converted from Classic to Stanaard mode using the mode switch (at the top of the screen).

Settings for the Portfolios based on the Portfolio Modelstrong
, In the Portfolio Model, an orange bar appears with text. Press this underlined text to open a dialog where the behavior for tracking settings in the Portfolio Model can be set.

In the Portfolio model, the Portfolio as you want it for the organization can be set up:
- Select tabs with functionalities that may be used.
- Kanban lists: setting up the production process (Portfolio funnel)
- Canvases (Layout of Portfolio cards) set up
Depending on the settings in the Portfolio model, the configurations created in the model may or may not be modified by the Portfolio manager of the Portfolio that has been created.