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Jira Connectivity in Fortes Change Cloud

Create new Jira Connection in Fortes Change Cloud

To interface with a Jira application, follow the steps below. With an internally hosted version of the Jira application, make sure that

Navigate to the Jira connectivity app in the app selector.

The Jira connectivity app contains all the necessary aspects that must be configured to take advantage of the integral link with Jira.

To do this, click on the app selector (top left of the screen) and there click on tile Jira connectivity.

Adding new Jira application link

In the Jira connectivity screen above the list of Jira applications on the left, click + Add Application Link.

This adds a new link and displays the configuration screen for the new link. In this process, a Consumer Key and Public Key are generated for the specific link. These are needed in the follow-up steps.

Adding links in the Jira application

In the Jira application, click Settings (top right of the screen). Then choose Products from the option list here. This is the place in the Jira application where all links to external application can be created and managed.

On the Application Links in Jira screen, click the Create Link button. This displays a pop-up screen, from which the configuration can be further set up.

On the pop-up screen, choose the Direct Application Link option, entering the Application URL the URL of the Fortes Change Cloud application and then click Continue.

Because the base URL of the Fortes Change Cloud gets an addition (/jsp/loginForm.jsp) when invoked in the browser, Jira will issue a notification for this. On this screen, check the Use this URL option and click Continue.This sets up the link with the base URL.

In the screen that is then displayed, further content data for the link can be entered. These are:

Application Name: Enter the name of the application to be linked (Fortes Change Cloud) here.

Application type: Select General application here

Name Service Provider: Free to be filled in

Consumer key: Paste the Consumer key generated when creating the link here.

Shared secret: Paste the Public key generated when creating the link here.

Request token URL/ Access token URL/ Authorize URL: For all these 3 fields, enter the base URL of the Fortes Change Cloud application (http://voorbeeld.fortes-online.com)

Create inbound link: Check this option

After completing the above information, press Continue.

In the last screen, once again the User key (Consumer key) and the Public key (Public key) must be entered. Also enter the Customer Name here (for this link, Fortes Solutions can be entered here). After pressing Continue, the link will complete in Jira and will appear in the list of application links.

After adding the Fortes Change Cloud application in Jira, the data from the Jira application must then be added in the Fortes Change Cloud (next step).

Fill in Jira application link in Fortes Change Cloud

Under step 2, enter the base URL of the Jira application in the URL field. And then press Test steps 1 and 2.

When the first two steps have been performed correctly, the following message will be displayed:

Steps 1 and 2 were successfully configured. Continue to step 3.

Authorization for communication link in Jira

At step 3, click the link next to Authorization URL. This opens a new tab in the browser.

This new tab asks you to allow the Fortes Change Cloud application to be granted read and write permissions in the Jira application. This is needed to retrieve and write away information for linked items in both applications. Press Allow to allow this.

After allowing, a short message is displayed. This includes a verification code. Copy this code and perform the next step immediately (the code is only valid for a limited time).

Then go back to the configuration in the Fortes Change Cloud application and paste the copied verification code into the Verification Code field. Then press Test step 3.

  • When step 3 is completed successfully, the following message is displayed:

The link has been successfully configured

After successfully completing all the steps, the link will be visible in the general overview of the Jira Connectivity app and have the status Available there. This makes the link ready for use in Team Configurations….

Set up configurations for team setup

After configuring the application link, a team configuration will then need to be set up. Two levels are available for this purpose:

Jira teams selectable in Fortes portfolios
Jira teams selectable in Fortes programs/projects

Determine level of information exchange

When full initiatives (within the SAFe framework aka Epics) are passed to the Jira application, choose to set the configuration at the Jira teams level selectable in Fortes portfolios.

If the linkage is to be realized based on items from the programs or projects (also called features within the SAFe framework), choose to set the configuration at the Jira teams level selectable in Fortes programs/projects.

Setting up configuration for teams

Click on the dots above the list of the level at which information exchange is desired. And from the menu, choose Manage configurations.

The follow-up screen shows the existing configurations. To add and new configuration you can click + Add Configuration.

Enter the name of the configuration in the Name field and under Jira application link, select the link created in the earlier configuration.

Next, choose which issue type to use when creating items from Fortes Change Cloud in the Jira application.

The final step is to set the specific field mapping. This mapping is set separately for information flow in both directions. The number of fields included in the mapping is free.

Under Field mapping Jira to Fortes Change Cloud, the fields can be set. In doing so, select the relevant field from the Jira application on the left and link it with the selection on the right with a field from the Fortes Change Cloud.

Under Field mapping Fortes Change Cloud to Jira the fields can be set. In doing so, select the relevant field from the Fortes Change Cloud application on the left side and link it with the selection on the right side with a field from the Jira application.

After setting up the mapping, click Create. This saves the configuration and makes it visible in the list of configurations. The configuration can then be used to create one or more teams with it

Create teams for use in the Fortes Change Cloud

To apply the link with the Jira application in the Fortes Change Cloud application, the last step will/will be to add one or more teams in the application.

Adding Jira teams into the Fortes Change Cloud application

To add a team, click + Add Team above the list where a team configuration was created in the previous configuration step.

In the follow-up screen, enter the Name of the team in the Name field. Optionally, a short name (3 letters) can also be added in the Short Name field.

If it is desired to also be able to register time in the Fortes Change Cloud application, in the Members for time registration field the relevant users can be added.

Then in the Configuration field, select the configuration for teams that was previously created.

After selecting the configuration, the project can be selected from Jira under Jira team board identification fields. In this section step the Project fixed option selected and will need to choose from the available project in Jira.

As a final (optional) step, one or more additional fields can be selected under Jira team identification fields to be filled with a fixed value. This is mainly to send along data that drives the filtering of the Kanban boards in the Jira application.

Then click Create to add the team in the Fortes Change Cloud application. After this, the team is also visible in the team overview list.

After performing all the above steps, the configuration is complete and the created teams are ready for use in the functional apps of the Fortes Change Cloud.

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