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  5. How do I add a canvas to a list on my kanban board?

How do I add a canvas to a list on my kanban board?

Make sure you have a canvas template you want to add.

  1. Click Configure Canvasses.
  3. Select the canvas template you want to add.
  4. The type page lay out adds a canvas that can be edited directly to one or multiple lists. All cards in the list own an instance of this canvas. When a canvas is not added to a list it is not visible for the cards on that list. However, information about a card that was already filled in on a canvas still exists once that canvas is removed from that list the card is in.
  1. Selecteer de lijsten aan welke het canvas moet worden toegevoegd. Klik vervolgens op Create.
  2. Het canvas is nu toegevoegd aan een lijst.

Do you want to know more about the usage of the kanban board? Read more about the kanban board on What should I know about the kanban board in the Project app?.

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