Fortes Change Cloud no longer supports the Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) browser since July 1, 2020. Due to the ever-increasing gap between IE11 and other browsers, we can no longer guarantee functional operation and security for this browser.
Why is IE11 no longer supported?
Microsoft introduced Edge in 2015 as a replacement for Internet Explorer. As a result, Internet Explorer is only maintained to a limited extent and this browser does not comply with the latest browser standards and security updates. That is why in the future we will only focus on browser platforms where we can guarantee functional operation and security. As a result, Internet Explorer is only maintained to a limited extent and this browser does not comply with the latest browser standards and security updates. That is why in the future we will only focus on browser platforms where we can guarantee functional operation and security.
Are you currently using IE11?
Then we recommend that you switch to Microsoft Edge or another browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari as soon as possible. As of July 1, 2020, Fortes Change Cloud in IE11 is no longer supported. It is therefore possible that the functionalities of Fortes Change Cloud in IE11 no longer work correctly. Also, bugs and other issues are no longer resolved for IE11.
Do you need help switching to a different browser?
We are happy to help you. We offer support for Microsoft Edge and other browsers, including Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Contact our