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  5. How do I work with the classic reporting tab?

How do I work with the classic reporting tab?

The classic reporting tab enables you to develop reports that display data from a project the way you want!

This article answers the following questions:

What is the goal of the classic reporting tab?

There are two kinds of reports in Fortes Change Cloud: on screen reports aided by views and widgets, and automatic reports in Excel or Word. An on screen report can be organized the way you want by setting filters and adding columns. A combination of filters and columns can be saved as a view, so you can use the view more often. You can also create your own graphs. Reports can be made on different items, like, for example, plan-items, resources, risks, lessons learned, documents or entries. All on screen reports can be downloaded as Word or Excel documents.

An automatic report is made and generated in Word or Excel. In the Quick Guides of Fortes Change Cloud you can find out more about automatic reports.

How to I create a classic report?

There are a few ways in which you can create a report in the classic reporting tab of a project; by using views to display specific data, by using a widget or by creating a timeline report.

  1. Consult a view by clicking the item you want to create a report for (under the subheading Reports). In the pop-up, select the view you want to use for the report. You can read more about views here .
  2. Use a widget to display data. A widget is a visual tool to create insight in project data, like, for example, a graph that displays planned and allocated hour for the project.
    • To add a widget to the classic reporting tab, you click Edit Widgets. Here you choose which widget(s) you want to display on the page.
    • You have to configure the widget after placing it on the page, so that it displays the correct information.
  3. Create a timeline report to create a timeline overview of entries. Read more about timeline reports here.
A report aided by a view.

How do I create a view?

  1. Choose what you want the view to display and select the relevant columns for your view. Do this by clicking weergave and then clicking Kolommen kiezen. You can select the columns, change the order of the columns, and choose the ranking and the number of lines that are displayed. The view appears as custom view.
  1. Filter the data in the view by setting one or more filters. This can be done by clicking View and selecting op Set Filter. Select the field for which you’d like to set a filter, set the condition for the selected field and click on Add filter. After setting all desired filter click on Ok, the filters will be applied directly.
  2. Save the view for reuse, enabling you to quickly access it in the future . To save the configured view click on Viewand then Save View. Set the name and the type of the view. The following type of views are available:
    • Personal: only visible for the user that has created the view (on every location).
    • Local: visible only on the location the view is created, but visible for everybody with access to the concerning location.
    • Global: visible for everybody on all locations in the application (this option is only available for admin users).
  3. Manage the different views, by clicking View and then Manage Views. Here you can change the name or type of a view or add a remark describing the (use) of the view. Views can also be hidden or removed from this location.
Managing views

What is a timeline report?

Under the subheading Timeline reports you can create a timeline report from entries. Timeline views are created differently than normal views. This is because timeline views show entries summed per (customisable) time periods.

How do I work with a timeline view?

  1. Open the pop-up with timeline reports by clicking entries under the subheading Timeline reports. A pop-up with a timeline report opens.
  2. Change the timeline report to suit your needs by clicking weergave and then Basisinstellingen. You can change different settings, such as the unit (hours or money), scale, start date, horizon, the choice between graph or table and the choice which fields to display. Click ok and view the result.
Example of a timeline report

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