Release Notes: Fortes Change Cloud

The table below contains the release notes for Fortes Change Cloud.

TypeDescriptionReleaseApplicable release*Scope/ModuleLinkTest considerations
NewMajor Release10.0.0.0NAMultiple modulesNAFull Acceptance Test
NewFortes Change Cloud look&feel with app-selector and separate apps. modulesNAFull Acceptance Test
FixMultiple bug fixes. modulesNAFull Acceptance Test
NewThe resource summary under the project Gantt now shows planned, allocated and actual hours in the same row (per resource). ManagementNANone
NewCustom page layout is now available for Orders.
NewIn Entries, the system field ‘Pool’ is no longer filled when requesting resources. You can still report these entries on ‘pool’, by using the system field ‘Resource (OU)’ instead. ManagementNACheck whether you are using the Pool column in reports. This column has to be replaced by Resource (OU)
FixApproval request emails are sent when requesting plan item approval. ManagementNANone
FixAll document types are now downloaded instead of sometimes shown in a browser tab.
NewThe project field EAC is now calculated as “actuals before forecast start date + all forecasts”; it now always shows the same value as the financial grid. ManagementNANone, you could want to verify this if you are importing actuals
NewTime sheets will combine overlapping filters in one view: products and activities will be show only once, and in alpabetical order. EntryNANone
FixGrid layouts on custom page layouts are now always shown correctly. all page layouts that use grids
FixUneditable project custom fields can again be set to editable in the portfolio field configuration. ManagementNANone
FixThe webhook triggered by starting a project is no longer triggered when creating an initiative10.0.0.4NARESTNANone, unless you are using this webhook
FixPortfolio items can no longer be created at the Gantt on Custom Dashboards. Portfolio ManagementNANone
FixPortfolio Support can again consistently select report models of portfolio models. ManagementNANone
FixPreselected timesheet rows now show only NPA’s of the NPA sets that are defined in the Resource Management Configuration. EntryNANone, unless you use preselected rows with NPA’s on Timesheets
NewIt is no longer possible to start multiple approval workflows on the same document at the same time. approvalNANone
FixPlan item owners can request document approval again. approvalNANone
FixManagers and readers of folders and OU’s will see the correct project tabs (as defined in Role Permissions). ManagementNANone
FixGantt charts work correctly again with Chrome versions 61+.
FixRich text fields on the portfolio report tab work correctly again in Internet Explorer ExplorerNANone
On-premise release
NewMajor Release10.0.1.1NAMultiple modulesNAFull Acceptance Test
NewAgile teams app10.0.1.1NANewNANone
NewInvestment Request app10.0.1.1NANewArticleNone
NewBI connectivity app10.0.1.1NANewNANone
NewIt is no longer possible to add a financial configuration on report models. A report model will always follow the financial configuration of the portfolio. ManagementNANone, unless you were actively using this function
FixChanges in the Resource Summary are saved correctly when changing the OU of a resource10. ManagementNANone
NewIn timesheet row views it is now possible to add projects fields as columns10.0.1.1NATime EntryNANone
FixThe action overdue notification email now gets a correct mail subject. ManagementNANone
FixDocument approval reminder emails are sent correctly again. approvalNANone
FixCreating a PDF from the portfolio Gantt now also works when the type icon column is part of the view. ManagementNANone
FixIt is again possible to use all rich text functions when approving documents in Internet Explorer ExplorerNANone
NewUnder My Profile you can enable ‘breadcrumbs’ to be shown in the top of your screen (the breadcrumbs show the ‘navigation path’ to where you are). modulesArticleNone
FixPlan items are no longer automatically approved when importing start and end dates on them.
FixIt is now possible to use an apostrophe in custom field select values.
FixThe system field Costs EAC now always shows the same value as the EAC value in the financial grid. ManagementNANone, you could want to verify this if you are importing actuals
FixThe Project Model setting ‘Time Entry on project level only’ works correctly again. EntryNANone, you could verify it on Timesheets
FixUsers can rename and hide their personal views again.
FixInternal document links are verified when you save them. managementNANone
FixOn the Home Page, in the widget ‘Documents to be approved by me’, files with a long file name can again be downloaded. approvalNANone
NewThe import function of the MS Excel client has been improved. Note: this function can be used to move Automated Reports to a newer version of the MS Excel Client.
FixIn Automated Reports, when you use multiple views underneath each other, you can format these views as tables.
FixOn the Home Page, in the widget ‘Documents to be approved by me’, the ‘From’ column is filled again. Document approval ManualNone
FixDocuments with special characters in the document name can be downloaded. NA Document management NA None
FixIt is no longer possible to request approval on an “internal link to another document”. 6.5Document approval NANone 
FixIn Automated Reports on the OU-tab Portfolio Management, you can use views on Portfolio-item dependencies again10.0.1.7NAExcel Automated ReportsNANone
NewIn (newly created) Automated Excel Reports, custom fields of the type ‘Rich Text’ are displayed without formatting. NA Manual None 
NewThe financial grid will now adjust column widths to accommodate large values. NA Portfolio Management NA None 
FixIn Chrome, the header of the Gantt Chart is always shown correctly again. NA Chrome NA None 
FixAutomated Reports work again in Excel for Mac version 16.11+, in combination with the FCC Excel client version Automated ReportsArticleFor the AR’s to work again, you have to migrate them to the latest Excel client.
FixInternal document links are verified when you save them. Document managementNA  None
Fix On the Home Page, in the widget ‘Documents to be approved by me’, files with a long file name can again be downloaded. approvalNA  None 
 NewThe import function of the MS Excel client has been improved. Note: this function can be used to move Automated Reports to a newer version of the MS Excel Client. NA Excel Automated ReportsArticleNone 
 FixIn Automated Reports, when you use multiple views underneath each other, you can format these views as tables. NA Excel Automated ReportsNA None 
 FixOn the Home Page, in the widget ‘Documents to be approved by me’, the ‘From’ column is filled again. approvalManualNone
 Fix Documents with special characters in the document name can be downloaded.  NA  Document managementNA  None
 FixIt is no longer possible to request approval on an “internal link to another document”.  6.5Document approvalNA None 
 FixIn Automated Reports on the OU-tab Portfolio Management, you can use views on Portfolio-item dependencies again10.0.1.15  NA  Excel Automated ReportsNA  None 
 NewIn (newly created) Automated Excel Reports, custom fields of the type ‘Rich Text’ are displayed without formatting. 
 NewThe financial grid will now adjust column widths to accommodate large values.  Portfolio ManagementNA  None
 FixIn Chrome, the header of the Gantt Chart is always shown correctly again. ChromeNA  None 
 FixAutomated Reports work again in Excel for Mac version 16.11+, in combination with the FCC Excel client version  Excel Automated ReportsArticleFor the AR’s to work again, you have to migrate them to the latest Excel client.
 NewFortes Change Cloud is made suitable for on premises use10.0.1.5NA  Multiple modulesPortalFull Acceptance Test
 NewIn the risk matrix widget you can set a filter on risks10.0.1.6NA  Project ManagementNA None 
 NewThe risk matrix widget is now also available on portfolios and custom dashboards NA  Multiple modulesNA  None 
 NewThe risk matrix can now also be used with other logs (then the risk log) NA  Multiple modules NA  None 
 FixWhen switching tabs with unsaved changes, the user will be warned to save or cancel.  Multiple modulesNA  None 
 FixLines in rich text fields are are parsed better in Excel automated reports. NA  Excel Automated ReportsNA  None 
 FixIn projects, on the portfolio report tab, fields are displayd with the appropriate width again. ManagementNA  None 
 FixNoneIn portfolios, the list widget is editable by users with the role manager or support again. NA Portfolio ManagementNA  None
 NewThe title of the list widget can now be set by users with the role portfolio manager or support. Portfolio ManagementNA  None 
On-premise release
 FixOn Custom Dashboards, users with the rol Manager can create local views again. Portfolio ManagementNA None 
 FixIn a project, users with inherited roles (from the folder) can no longer approve hours. Management NA None 
 FixThe actual final date on projects is filled only when the project is completed. NA Project ManagementManualNone 
 NewIn advanced search it is now possible to search by ID. Multiple modulesNA None 
 NewOn all objects, the length of the system field ‘name’ has been increased from 50 characters to 255 characters. NA Multiple modulesNA None 
 NewMultiple (existing) widgets have been made been available for all customers. NA Multiple modulesEVM widget, C/T matrix, Task Board, Agile Burn Down None 
 NewMinor usability improvements on Agile Teams. NA Agile teamsNA None 
 NewThe Investment Requests App offers a list view with filter, in addition to the tile view. NA Investment requestsNA  None
 NewApp names and app colours have been changed; colouring is now applied by theme (strategy, agile, waterfall, learn, support) NA Multiple modulesNA  None 
 NewAgile teams app aligned with new app styling10.0.4.3 NA Agile Teams appNA  None
 FixThe optional customer logo in the header is now also visible in Internet Explorer NAInternet Explorer 11NA  None 
 FixSplit timesheets that only have the Sunday editable, now show the correct date in the timesheet header10.0.4.3 EntryNA  None 
 NewWhen you export items from the Investment requests app to Excel, archived items and archival status are now also exported10.0.4.3 NAInvestment requestsNA  None 
 NewImproved performance of the Advanced Search function. Note: you will now have to select an object type to search10.0.4.3 NA NANA  None 
 NewClassic projects can now be migrated in bulk10.0.4.3 NA Project ManagementNA  None 
 NewIn Resource allocation, allocation on NPA’s is moved from the Tab Availability to the Tab Request & Allocation (Resources). With this change, all allocation can be done in one tab. Note: allocation on NPA’s is no longer possible on the Tab Availability10.0.4.3 NA Resource managementNA  None 
FixWen creating objects from models, local views are copied to the object correctly again10.0.4.3 Multiple modulesNA  Local views might already be corrupt in existing projects.
FixIn time sheets, the plan item selector has an improved performance10.0.4.3 Time EntryNA  None
FixApproved time sheets show all entered hours again, even when the owner is no longer part of a project. Time Entry NA  None 
FixAfter saving an time sheet, projects and plan items are shown in alphabetic order again10.0.4.3 EntryNA  None 
FixSecurity fixes10.0.4.4NAMultiple modules
NewImproved Excel client behaviour on the Mac: Template mode and multi-sheet reports are now supported. Automated Reports
NA None 
NewIn new automated report templates the ‘Open merge keywords’, ‘Create pivot’ and ‘Create diagram’ buttons are no longer available. Automated Reports
NA None 
FixIt is possible to start projects again when the programme management module is off. managementNA None 
FixInternal toolbox links no longer disappear from Image and Text widget. None 
NewAdvanced search now has a minimum search length of three characters and enforces a selection on object types. modules NA None 
NewWhen you are using external users, they can no longer see project fields in the layout of their assigned plan items10.0.4.5NAExternal usersNA  None  
FixIt is possible to change the view on the backlog again in projects based on the agile project model. Agile PM modelNA  None  
On-premise release
Fix When downloading a view to Excel, administrators and readers now consistently see the same results. ReportingNA  None  
Fix Improved data integrity that prevents invisible data. Multiple modulesNA  None  
Fix Location field on folders is now correctly set when moving folders. Previous incorrect values have been corrected. Project ManagementNA   
Fix In the Gantt you need to save changes per subtab before you can navigate to another subtab.
Project ManagementNA   
Fix Sprint start and end date are correctly saved again. NA  Agile Project ManagementNA   
Fix Product breakdown widget loads in Internet Explorer again.  Project ManagementNA   
Fix Improved performance of the BI connectivity export.  BI connectivityNA   
Fix BI .csv export is not compatible with some tools like the .csv export from our Intergration Dashboard functionality10.0.4.10NA  BI connectivityNA   
Fix Action calculation is not triggered when moving actions between log items10.0.4.10 NA   NA   
Fix Timelinesum calculation is expected to return 0 when end date before start date10.0.4.11NA   NA   
Fix When using the timelinesum calculation and the start date is after the end date, the calculation will now return 0. Previously it swapped the dates and used that period for the sum.  Multiple modulesNA   
Fix Portfolio Item field can be added when reporting on SavedVersions NA    NA   
Fix Project report field is now made visible on Portfolio Items NA    NA   
Fix Users are able to select a project model when starting a project on programme level when they don’t have read rights on Enterprise level. NA    NA   
Fix technical improvements NA    NA   
Fix technical improvements NA    NA   
FixExclusions for Project Manager approval has been fixed NA    NA   
FixIt’s possible now to import on custom objects NA    NA   
Fix Workflow can’t be aborted in document approval if it’s get stuck. This has been fixed. NA   Document approval NA    
FixOn the home screen page, the document approval widget is showing all documents correctly again10.0.11.1NAGeneralNA 
FixWhen opening an agile team the portfolio reporting tab shows a blue header. This has been fixed10.0.11.1NAPortfolioNA 
FixPTB-mode switcher was visible on the advanced view settings, which wasn’t supposed to be there. This has been fixed now. 
FixReference links do no longer work in reports. When organisation unit has been selected links are shown referring to the current object instead of the actual organisational unit. This has been fixed. 
FixCustom multi-select field doesn’t sync properly with Gantt. When you have selected multiple values only one is shown in the Gantt. This has been fixed. 
FixConverted SSP projects have still the setting “Timesheet on Projectlevel only” instead of following the project model. 
FixDouble bytes in file name converted into just underline. 
FixBI-connectivity improvements10.0.11.2NABI connectivityNA 
Fixshow breadcrumbs in popups when the user enabled this10.0.11.5NAGeneralNA 
Newadded preliminary support for project Gantt view support per aspect (Feature toggle) 
Fixfixed bug that costs columns cannot be enabled in resources aspects and hours colunns not in the costs aspect10.0.11.7NAResourcesNA 
On-premise release
FixMigrated projects now show their plan items in the planning tab10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
NewThe right results show when setting the Percentage Completed before or after the startdate of a product10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
FixOpening a second history tab of a portfolio item now opens without errors10.3.1.3NAPortfolioNA 
FixThe owner of a plan item can edit notes under documents again10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
NewThe empty option is now selected by default in a required reference object10.3.1.3NAGeneralNA 
FixNPA activities are not removable anymore10.3.1.3NAGeneralNA 
FixProject managers can fill in Milestone and Tasks information to publish to portfolio10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
FixBaseline fields are now visible and no longer calculated10.3.1.3NAPortfolioNA 
NewThe ‘timesheets to be approved by me’ list columns are now sortable10.3.1.3NAGeneralNA 
FixPlan items with actual costs and hours related to them are no longer deletable10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
FixManagers are now able to set skills and hour rates of the resources10.3.1.3NAResourcesNA 
NewAdded support for ‘greater than’, ‘smaller’, ‘smaller than’, ‘in’, and ‘not in’ operators in our generic conditions10.3.1.3NAGeneralNA 
NewResource managers are now able to bulk edit availability in the PTB10.3.1.3NAResourcesNA 
NewProject managers are now able to switch Classic projects to the new Project10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
NewTasks now have an owner field10.3.1.3NAAgile TeamNA 
NewPlanItems now have a new Resources field10.3.1.3NAProjectNA 
NewThe Kanban board now contains  Tasks10.3.1.3NAAgile TeamNA 
FixDisplay values are now visible in the report10.3.1.3NAInsightsNA 
NewA confirm delete dialog appears now when deleting a row in the risk and issue tab10.3.1.3NAPortfolioNA 
On-premise release
Fixinconsequent behaviour when adding multiple owners in custom dashboards10.5.0.0NAPortfolioNA 
FixNot editable timeline fields of objective reporting rows not updated10.5.0.1NAPortfolioNA 
FixPerformance of product-list in Timesheet is approved10.5.0.1NATimesheetNA 
FixPerformance improved at portfolio level10.5.0.1NAPortfolioNA 
FixWhen opening second history tab of portfolio item 400 bad request error appears10.5.0.1NAPortfolioNA 
NewIt’s now possible as a project manager to link products to a Jira item so it can be worked on by other teams10.6.0.0NAJiraNA 
FixThe add portfolio item dialogue has been improved so it loads faster10.6.0.0NAPortfolioNA 
FixNot able to remove resources with bulkremove-functionality has been fixed. 
NewNew reference fields are added to the document view10.6.0.0NAReportNA 
NewGerman translations Added 
NewExcel Templates are now Digitally Signed10.6.0.2NAReportNA 
FixLog views are not loaded in multi-instance reports has been fixed10.6.0.2NAReportNA 
FixCache problem when switching modes which affect the possibility to make projects has been fixed10.7.0.0NAProjectNA 
FixAs a normal user cannot access issuelogs and risklogs on map level has been fixed10.7.0.0NAProjectNA 
NewCanvasReportRequests to projects has been added so that the portfolio manager can send a request10.7.0.0NAPortfolioNA 
NewAdded portfolio item reference field to investment request10.7.0.0NAInvestment RequestNA 
NewDependencies are now shipped to projects from a projectmodel 
NewAdd project information in the Project app by copying and pasting from Excel10.8.0.0NAProjectNA 
NewCreate new plan items in the Project app by copying and pasting from Excel10.8.0.0NAProjectNA 
NewYou can now Bulk edit on the Milestone planning tab in the Portfolio app10.8.0.0NAProject  
FixPerformance improvements10.8.0.0NA  
FixLogitems do not contain a portfolio reference. This has been fixed. 
FixBulk edit Archive functionality is not available anymore when scenario mode 
FixWhen scenario mode is active and user move items , the items are definitely moved – this has been fixed10.8.0.2NAPortflioNA 
On-premise release

* Applicable release refers to the PTB version in which the issue was first introduced

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